Friday 9 July 2010

ipad vs Kindle vs PC vs Book - Print Still The Top Read

Despite many heralding the arrival of E-Book readers as the future of literature, a new report from usability guru Jakob Nielsen, of the Nielsen Norman Group, suggests that old fashioned print is still the fastest way to convey information.

Subjects were given a copy short story by Ernest Hemingway, to read either on a printed book, an iPad, a PC and a Kindle. The book was by far the fastest medium, with the digital devices on average 10% slower. What's more, the iPad (5.8) and Kindle (5.7) also only scored marginally higher satisfaction scores than traditional print (5.6).

It appears these new devices have a way to go before they can truly claim to surpass the print medium. For now, print remains the one of the most cost effective options in a marketers armoury. Well designed colour flyers, brochures and folders remain the ideal tool for conveying your companies image and agenda. Whether promoting underground raves, or supporting multi-million pound product launches, printed media is still the way to go!

Source: The Guardian

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