Friday 9 July 2010

ipad vs Kindle vs PC vs Book - Print Still The Top Read

Despite many heralding the arrival of E-Book readers as the future of literature, a new report from usability guru Jakob Nielsen, of the Nielsen Norman Group, suggests that old fashioned print is still the fastest way to convey information.

Subjects were given a copy short story by Ernest Hemingway, to read either on a printed book, an iPad, a PC and a Kindle. The book was by far the fastest medium, with the digital devices on average 10% slower. What's more, the iPad (5.8) and Kindle (5.7) also only scored marginally higher satisfaction scores than traditional print (5.6).

It appears these new devices have a way to go before they can truly claim to surpass the print medium. For now, print remains the one of the most cost effective options in a marketers armoury. Well designed colour flyers, brochures and folders remain the ideal tool for conveying your companies image and agenda. Whether promoting underground raves, or supporting multi-million pound product launches, printed media is still the way to go!

Source: The Guardian

Monday 5 July 2010

Print Innovator Louis Moyroud Dies at 96

Louis Marius Moyroud, who was responsible for revolutionising the printing industry, passed away last week at his home in Florida, USA.

Alongside Rene Alphonse Higonnet, Louis Marius Moyroud created the first practical phototypesetting machine in 1946. Prior to its inception, most print was produced via the "hot press" method, where lead was melted at 500 degrees, then poured into moulds, to form words into lines of type. This method was often criticised for its cumbersome and costly nature.

Mr. Moyroud's invention arguably catalysed the transition to digital typesetting. By replacing the metal element of the hot print with photography, and electrifying the process, printing became much faster and easier for the operator. This improvement in efficiency in turn saw a major reduction in costs.

In 1953 the first book printed by a photo-composing machine was published, and a year later, The Patriot Ledger in Quincy, Mass became the first newspaper to adopt the process.

Azimuth Prints, printing equipment is a far cry from that shown in the picture above. Today, Azimuth's Heidelberg presses offer superb quality at a staggering 15,000 impressions an hour, enabling them to offer an express 12 hour flyer service.

Friday 2 July 2010

MP Red Faced After Print Error

Gloucester's new MP was left red faced after a printer error left him without his speech. A debate on apprenticeships which he was supposed to lead, had to be cancelled in his absence. Richard Graham claims that he has learned from his mistake, and apologised to fellow MP's for his blunder.

The debate at Westminster Hall, covering apprenticeships, will be re-scheduled for a later date. Graham was quoted as saying: "It's very embarrassing, we learn from our mistakes."

The story proves that it's always a wise idea to proof check your print work, and leave plenty of time for any possible printing problems. Fortunately, many printing services now offer a proof checking service, while some even offer 12 hour print services to make sure that you get you printed products on time!

Thursday 1 July 2010

Fespa 2010: The Rise of Digital Large Format Printing

Last weeks Fespa print exhibition in Munich, highlighted the growing adoption of digital print among wide-format printers. HP, Mimaki, GMG and Roland were just some of the companies presenting innovative solutions and applications to help wide-format businesses.

Attracting visitors from over 130 countries, Fespa saw attendance rise above 10,000 for the first time since the recession started. Whilst the show is seen by many as a chance for generating sale and relationship-building, this years show also demonstrated a growing adoption of digital print technology among wide-format printers. Many appear to be embracing the technology to help them bounce back, after the challenges of the global recession.

At Azimuth Print we were quick to realise the potential of digital technology, having made our first foray into digital print with our purchase of a Konica Minolta bizhub Pro C6501 in April 2009. The purchase has allowed us to produce a wide range of products, such as presentation folders on run lengths of about 5,000 down to as low as 100.